Useful information
Our school day is organised as follows:
8.10am Breakfast club
8.45am: Classrooms open for pupils
9.00am: Lessons start
10.45am-11.00am: Break Time
12pm-12.45pm: Lunch Time Primary 1-3
12.30pm-1.15pm: Lunch Time Primary 4-7
2.00pm: School Finishes for Primary's 1&2
3.00pm: School Finishes for Primary's 3-7
3.00pm-4.00pm: After school Clubs
Good attendance is paramount to success in school and we would urge parents to make every effort to ensure that children have high attendance rates. The old fashioned hand-written Roll Book is now long gone; school attendance systems are now computerised, enabling us to keep very detailed records regarding whole-school, class and individual attendance patterns.
In addition to stating if a child is 'present' or'absent', teachers are now required to also state if the child arrives late, leaves early or is absent for a part of the day. As good attendance is so important, any concerns will be raised with parents at an early stage.
Please note: the school cannot give permission for children to be taken out of school for family holidays. We liaise closely with our Education Welfare Officer to review school attendance.
School Uniform.
To order school uniforms at any time of the year (no minimum order) please log on to type in st finlough’s primary school and follow the instructions. All uniform ordered online will be delivered direct to your home address.
Navy pleated skirt/pinafore/trousers (jogging bottoms P1-3, trousers 4-7)
School jumper/cardigan
White Polo shirt
Navy socks or tights
Black shoes
Navy trousers (jogging bottoms P1-2, trousers 3-7).
School jumper
White Polo shirt
Navy socks
Black shoes
PE uniform
Navy bottoms
White t-shirt
If you think your child is entitled to uniform clothing assistance please contact the Education Auhority on tel: 028 82 411411 or on the following link:
Home-School Communication.
It is important that we keep our parents/guardians up to date and informed of their child's learning experiences and progress. We communicate with our parents, guardians and extended school community in a variety of ways.
We use social media (with permission) such as Facebook and Twitter to showcase our children's achievements and experiences in school. We also use a text messaging service to contact parents and guardians of any upcoming events. School newsletters are sent home termly and are accessible on our website. Our school secretary works in the school part time, and we make every effort possible to reach the telephone when she is not in the school building.
We conduct parents meetings twice a year, and at any other time by request. Each child receives an end of year school report in June.
Mrs McCafferty teaches each day until 12 noon. She is available to meet any any time before or after that.
We are a busy school so please check your child's school bag each night for any letters or notes.
Please ensure your contact numbers and address is correct with our secretary Sharon.
Health Promoting School.
An important part of our practice is the promotion of healthy eating and to this end, we ask children to have a piece of fruit for their mid-morning snack. We would appreciate your support in this, so that together we can encourage children to eat healthily throughout the day. Milk and fruit are available to buy in School.
We encourage the children to drink water throughout the day to stay hydrated and to be best prepared for learning.
Our canteen follows all healthy eating policies and the menus available are both wide and varied, offering the healthiest of choices. Our canteen menu is sent home and is available on the school website. School dinners cost £2.60 each. If you think your child is entitled to free school meals please contact the Education Authority on tel: 028 82 411411 or click on the following link:
Pastoral Care and Child Protection.
We are very proud of our Pastoral Care provision here at St. Finlough's Primary School, and this was recognised as a major strength in our most recent inspection report. We want each child to feel safe and secure; we want to influence their opinions, values and attitudes in a positive manner and we want to create an environment that is characterised by healthy relationships and mutual respect.
However, we also need to have systems in place should there be any cause for concern, and each year we send out our Child Protection Policy detailing our approaches to such concerns. This policy is also available on our website.
St Finlough's Primary School 138 Tartnakelly Road Ballykelly Limavady Co Derry BT49 9JL Telephone: 028 77763848